Thursday, July 14, 2005


I had no idea...
This is huge! The Convention Centre (or Center if you're reading this on the other side of pond) is about the size of a small city. It's the second time this month I've been terrified by a sudden change of scale. This is just as scary as Vegas was initially.

Dan and Joel have been very cool - holding my hand when I look dazed and introducing me to the movers and the shakers. Andy has also been very cool - he might just be the world's funniest funny book dealer! (Just ask to see his William Shatner impression...)

Went to the Mirrormask CBLDF party last night on a nice mezzanine roof top bar. If this is what I can expect from ComicCon evenings then I am seriously impressed!

I've already spoken with a ton of cool, nice and interesting people and handed out a gazillion copies of Kwot. I'll have to print up another bundle to see me good for Caption and the Brighton fest in November.

If you're reading this because you got a Kwot - I hope you like it and please feel free to let me know if you did. If you didn't, also feel free to get in touch, but please be gentle... I'm still feeling a bit tender from all of the SDCC madness!

More soon...

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