Friday, April 16, 2004

Right - let's see... What's been going on?

I've moved house. (Losing my broadband connection temporarily)
I've become even busier at work. (Resulting in me cancelling almost all social engagements over the next three weeks until I'm out of here. I've also cancelled all non-charity art work until then too).
I've seen 21 grams (and completely disagree with Steven Grant's assessment of it at comicbookresources - no link at the moment as the site is dead).

I also read that "An Arts Council survey found that lack of interest often put people off [opera]"
Really? I hope no one paid anything for that insightful opinion!

I'm off to Edinburgh tonight for my friend Craig's engagement party.
Apart from that nothing to report...

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THE BLOG IS DEAD (I mean the blog as a medium. This blog is merely sleeping.) I really miss writing the blog so I'm determined ...