That means 'truck', right?
My second thought of the day came much later, as I sat on the tube trying to read Dennis Potter's Ticket to Ride (trust me, not before breakfast!) :
People who chew with their mouths open should be beheaded.
Or at least imprisoned.
Or at least imprisoned.
I'm not even in a particularly bad mood.
Some links for you:
Proof that we're living in a William Gibson novel
Gigapan an ant today (well worth waiting for it to load if it's slow)
The wages of Sinfest - interview with one of the best comic creators the www has ever seen
I didn't know the Irn Bru recipe was Top Secret?
The totaldickheadblog (which, if you haven't guessed is about Philip K Dick) is always interesting, but a few weeks ago they posted this awesome open-shirted interview from the archives. (Worth it just to see the photos!)
Now playing: Album Leaf - Twenty Two Fourteen [SomaFM]
via FoxyTunes
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