Jen's show last night went really well. I was particularly very impressed with David, who played the student (you've read the story haven't you?). Robin, mate - if you're reading this - thanks for coming along and I hope you got some food in the end. I demanded that we stop off for a Chinese takeaway on the way home. My belly was rumbling so loudly the bus driver must have wondered if his vehicle had developed a mechanical problem.
A couple of things I meant to mention and didn't...
While in Madrid a couple of weeks ago I saw a Spanish translation of Jean-David Morvan and Philippe Buchet's Wolverine graphic novel, Saudade, which apart from being gorgeous (no, really - you have to see this!) seems to feature a villain with the strangest superpower I've ever encountered... He can put his hands inside an opponent's body and pull out his/her muscle tissue. I kid you not. How gross is that? I'm holding out for an English translation. If anyone knows of a scanlation please let me know.
I saw an original Panini Italian Spider-Man book a few years ago in Italy, and always regretted not picking it up. It had incredible loose artwork that would probably never make it past US editorial. I'll have to Google that...
The other thing I meant to mention was how I'm using Google Sketchup in ToTD #2.
But I'll talk about that next time...
Hi Dave!
Looks like the European books might be getting a UK reprint in July:
Awesome! Thanks Dan.
Mr Matthew Craig just emailed me with the same info. I am so pleased. Good price too, considering each one would cost more than that individually if you bought it in a foreign land!
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