Monday, June 09, 2003

From June 6th

I've just discovered, to my absolute horror, that I attended my first concert ten years ago today.

I was fifteen and it was an all day long gig at the Miton Keynes Superbowl. The bill was : Diamondhead, The Almighty, Megadeth and Metallica.

I was in awe of the scale of the thing, and of how hot it got in the bottom bit of Britain - it never got that hot in Scotland!
That's probably why my skin turned scarlet.

I stood (or rather I was wedged in) right at the front of the crowd for the whole of the Metallica set, occasionally catching glimpses of them through gaps in the wall of tall, sweaty, long haired fans between me and the stage.

Ten years.

I remember being in shock at realising that it was ten years since my Grandad's death... And that was five years ago.
Come 2008 it will be twenty years - and where will I be then?

Let's see... I'll be thirty one...
So I'll probably be in an old folk's home!

Note : since writing this I have since discovered that the concert I was talking about actually happened on June the 5th.
Ten years and one day.
That's even worse.

And now it's ten years and four days!

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