Wednesday, January 24, 2007

I’ve just finished reading Bill Baker’s latest book, Alan Moore: Exit Interview, of which he was kind enough to send me a electronic preview copy. As with his previous book, Alan Moore Spells It Out, I devoured it in one sitting. I am a self-confessed Moore aficionado, and as such I highly recommend it. Bill tells me it should be in shops at the end of February – do yourself a favour and pick up a copy.

Alan Moore's Exit Interview

(Actually it might be worth noting that earlier this year I asked Mr Moore if he’d be interested in conducting a sit-down interview about his approach to creativity and how he felt about it. Then I read Alan Moore Spells it Out and realised he’d already done that.)

Tonight I risk the wrath of fellow contender for the Eagle Award for Favourite Writer/Artist contender Douglas by coming clean about my love of the Rocky movies… And further admitting that I saw the final instalment tonight and that my affection continues undaunted. Stallone is a really interesting screenwriter – at turns heavy handed with his characterisation (sudden, forceful speeches) and subtle as a master of the craft (Rocky’s wooden stool says more about the situation at the grave than any line of dialogue could have). I assume I will fal even further in Noble’s estimations after this last paragraph than when I proclaimed that Clerks 2 was a great film. (Settling down to watch familiar characters that I’ve come to care about over the years always helps).

As hinted just a moment ago the Eagle Nominations are still under way and there is still time to vote for your favourite comics creators. I seem to have been nominated for Favourite Writer, Favourite Writer/Artist and Tongue of the Dead is on there for Favourite Black and White Comicbook – British. Thank you to anyone who was kind enough to cast their votes my way. It’s really good to see such variety on the board (although why do the majority of titles in the Best Black and White UK Comic section start with ‘T’? Even the excellent West seems to have inherited a ‘The’ prefix from somewhere…) And for the record I don’t hold out any hope for an Eagle… I seem to be up against Alan Moore, Chris Ware and Tales From the Flat – the sort of talent I just can’t hope to beat.

So my top fun tips for readers this week:
Vote in the Eagles
Go see Rocky Balboa
Pre-order Alan Moore: Exit Interview
Rent Clerks 2 on DVD

Oh and before I go - Pan's Labyrinth... I knew I forgot a film from my Best of 2006 list - and this was it. An absolutely incredible piece of cinema that I can't imagine anyone not enjoying.

Goodnight all.

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