Monday, August 01, 2005

Caption was very cool.

I only meant to stay for the Saturday but it was so much fun that I extended my stay (thanks Roland!) until the following day. Joel had to return to London on the Sunday, missing the Kochalka Puppet Theatre, but probably getting twice as much sleep as I managed.

Hello to Dan, Paul, Douglas, Al and Maggie, Shane (and James, who draws a kick-ass Human Torch), Leon, Dal, the-other-Dan-who-is-the-new-master-of-Caption, Andrew, The Rubins sisters, Tony, Andrew, Pete and everyone else I spoke to or clapped eyes upon this weekend.

The most fun to be had was probably the comics jam taking place on some tables in the middle of the room. Here are two of my favourites. I’d offer a prize for guessing which panels I provided but since I semi signed ‘em it would be more of a lottery than a competition and the Government has laws about that sort of thing!

Brought home some cool comics and I’ll be indulging in them this week.

(While also tackling my gargantuan Inbox – damn you junk mail people you’re ruining my social life!)

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