Monday, June 07, 2004

Greetings from my Mile End office in the sun.
I have to tell you - as much as I liked my last office… This beats it hands down!

It's a suntrap from ten in the morning (coincidentally – five or so minutes after I usually get up) and keeps it until just before five.
And then I can sit in the park and read.

I'm sharing my office today with Steve (O) Watson, Designer of Things and tomorrow with Vivek Bhardwaj, speculator extraordinaire, who will be joining me for a barbeque lunch.

Tonight I’m going to the European premiere of The Mindscape Of Alan Moore at the ICA. Afterwards there’s a talk with some of Moore’s most esteemed collaborators, among them Dave Gibbons and Oscar Zarate.
And it’s not until the evening so I’m not going to miss any sun-time.

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THE BLOG IS DEAD (I mean the blog as a medium. This blog is merely sleeping.) I really miss writing the blog so I'm determined ...